The Trivium class inculcates the liberal arts of the Trivium – grammar, logic, and rhetoric. These arts free the mind for truth by developing the skills needed to understand, discern, and convey truth in language. Students will begin with a review of English grammar and usage. Once complete, they turn to logic and rhetoric in a more explicit way, in both spoken and written form. For logic, students will study the forms and structures of logical arguments, analyze such arguments, and then imitate them by constructing their own. They will also read selections of Socratic dialogues, St. Thomas, and other authors to see the art of logic in practice. Students will progress through the progymnasmata, the traditional series of exercises for developing the art of rhetoric. They will also read and analyze great works of rhetoric from past masters (for instance, Cicero or St. Augustine), learn from their methods, and produce their own speeches in imitation. Once such structures of logical argumentation and canons of rhetorical presentation become familiar by use, they are studied in a more formal way.